WDC Presents "FILLUPPARTY" (street Vs Online)
Considering the fast growing pace of our entertainment industry, there's rising concern of which strategy to focus on to give your products (songs, Videos) to the final consumer.
Some people hold to the accession that Street credibility is King, While a new wave believe Online Promo is the Future.
In a bid to unite these different groups who are all of cardinal importance to the industry, #WatchDogCity Presents "STREETS (Black) Vs ONLINE (White) - #FillUpParty" powered by #BontehMediaNetwork - #BMN
The motif behind this is to bring together both street credible artists and those with positive Online following to cement a complimentary relationship for the advancement of the industry, the MUSIC in particular!
This #FillUpParty will feature thrilling performances from amazing artists, dance groups and a ready fan base ready to support 237 Talent. Don't miss this for anything on Tuesday 27th June 2017 @ Ngouangzho Snackbar located Behind BICEC!!!
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